About Us
Healing matters.
Though formalized in 2018, Family Survivor Network (FSN) has always existed as a grassroots initiative of community self-sustainability, where residents of Sandtown-Winchester recognized the need to heal the unique traumas experienced by the community.
Trauma healing is multi-faceted and personal - that’s why we’re committed to meeting survivors where they’re at by offering healing and life empowerment programs that acknowledge the realities of lived experiences. We offer people-led, individualized, and group-centered care in an environment free from cultural, social, and systemic pressures.
Health matters.
Systemic injustice creates health inequities for communities of color everywhere. The public health crisis of gun violence in Baltimore makes FSN’s services essential to address the psychological and physical impacts of loss.
At FSN, we acknowledge that hurt and harm derail daily life. Violence has many layers, and our programs aim to provide healing where each layer is addressed — at the community, interpersonal, and individual levels.
Communities matter.
We work in the community, among the community, as part of the community, so we’re right beside you when you need us. We’re a small organization, but we’re powered by people. FSN provides a one-stop shop for free holistic and therapeutic services to those who invite us to co-lead the direction of their care.
Ultimately, we elevate the well-being of the community by gathering to share, listen, and heal side by side. We nurture the capacity to love more and love better by fostering networks of understanding, learning, and joy. Liberation comes from making sure that no one struggles alone. When we’re healing together as a community, not a pathology, we thrive.