There are no upcoming events at this time.
In addition to emotional and social support, and generally during drop-in visits, FSN offers practical resources such as new underwear, socks, bras, toiletries, sanitary supplies, household necessities, school supplies, bus tokens, food, postage, books, clothing, reading glasses, etc. We appreciate contributions of all of these items and any connections to obtain goods and services that will directly support our healing work. Contributions are at the heart of all that we do, and ensure healing continues to happen for grieving survivors. Contact us at to contribute.
Family Survivor Network is always seeking professional and academic expertise via residents/neighbors, interns, fellows, artists, artisans, civic servants, business owners, and community leaders to fill gaps for projects or tasks that use technical or administrative skills that are needed but unfunded. For example, collaborations include conducting research, community organizing and engagement, writing reports and grants, inputting data, managing capacity building projects, hosting events and workshops, assisting with crowdfunding/sourcing and providing advocacy and public education. At times, there may even be space to assist with direct member services. We welcome YOUR expertise AND experiences! Contact us at
While no two people grieve the same, connecting members (victims/survivors) with peer (lived) emotional and social opportunities helps us succeed as a whole. Under the leadership of team members, become a volunteer and directly communicate the experiences you’re living through while on your healing journey. Volunteers are peer survivors, and cultivate engagements such as facilitating support groups and workshops, coaching and modeling, tutoring, or social fellowship. Volunteering offers a space to turn your pain into a passion. Past volunteer engagements include survivors authentically sharing THEIR experiences with the investigation, police, intimidation, relocation, self-discovery, emotional changes, and interactions with the courts, community, peers and family. Contact us at to commit.
Contact us to learn more about our mission and work, request services, or to get involved!